Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fireworks and toddlers don't mix...or do they?

So since Abby's been born, we haven't gone to see fireworks...seems weird but we haven't. Usually the only fireworks we try to see/do is May 2-4 and Canada Day and last year, we were away for Canada Day and did nothing for fireworks...and May 2-4, ditto. Plus, Clayton usually buys his own and we set those off at a park near his parents but we just haven't done it since she's been born. So when I got the invite to go to dinner and fireworks at my grandmother's apartment, which is facing Lake Ontario and is pretty much the best view to see fireworks (and minus the crowded environment down by the water), I thought, "this might be the best way for Abby to view them since A)we can see them but stand inside if it's too noisy, B)we'll be there with all family that she knows and is comfortable with, C)she can run around and we don't have to worry about losing her in the crowd. So, done and done! We got there, had our pizza, Abby was already having a great time going out on the balcony, coming in, going out, coming get the point! She kept saying hi to my aunt Pat (her great aunt) "Hi Pat!", my sister-in-law Kelly "Hi Kelly!", my brother Rick "Hi Rick!" and my grandmother (who she is going to call Gran because my mom is called Grammy by her) "Hi Dan!" Yep, she calls her Dan...G's are a little tough for her...she calls my mom "Dammy", my stepfather "Dampy" and my best friend Niki's boyfriend (Gary) "Dary"...yep, it's pretty cute. But way too funny when she's running around going "Hi Dan! Hi Dan!" So as it got later and later (and waaaay past her bedtime!), I wondered if she would even make it to the fireworks...but as all toddlers (or kids) seem to do, she got a second wind...which might have something to do with the fact that she was chasing Pat around the kitchen into the living room over and over again while giggling manically. As the fireworks neared, my trepidation increased. The vacuum terrifies her, Grampy's air compressor makes her run away, so what would these fireworks do? All I could do was wait. I was fully prepared to make a get away if it all went sour...then, they started. I picked her up in my arms and we, along with the rest of the family, started to watch the show. And it started...and she was very intently watching them...and then a BOOM! I furtively glanced at her...but she just had a finger in her mouth chewing on it and saying nothing...but she wasn't crying or squirming. I kept saying "Wow! So pretty!" Nothing. Clayton looked at her too. Then, "Wow!" came out of her...Yeah, victory! Clayton said she was just too tired to be really enthusiastic but I didn't think so. Then, "ooh, pretty!" When the finale was coming, Clayton said "Ok...big finale!" Abby goes "Big fin-ally?" And some more "wow" and "oohs" for the finale and then, it was all over. She did so awesome. She even got out of my arms for a bit and stood with Daddy. I think we did it perfectly. She got to experience fireworks but in a controlled environment where she could be far enough back to see and enjoy them without feeling like they were too intense. Whew! I was so happy cause I love fireworks and want to share them with her...we're off to a good start! We said our goodbyes after getting her into her jammies and within 2 minutes of being in the car, she was out cold, only waking long enough for us to get into our house, give her the bottle and out again for the night...and she only woke us up the next morning at 10...good times for all!!

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