Monday, November 7, 2011

Grocery shopping with toddlers...

So Saturday night I was bored, wanted to get out of the house, Clayton was being a lump on the couch and we needed a few things at the grocery store, so decided to go. I figured since Abby was in such a good mood, had her nap, I brought her with me. I knew I was only going to be there for a short period of time so even if she had a meltdown, I would be okay.
We got there and she wanted to get in the cart...then she wanted out, then in...I was already getting frustrated and we hadn't even entered the store yet. Then I remembered those little "kid" carts that she used once before. "Let's go get Abby a cart!" Abby's eyes lit up. "Ok, let's go Mommy!" She ran over to the carts and pulled one out, nearly knocking over another child in the process...but no tears so all was good. Then, we commenced getting groceries. I figured that she'd "help" me put things in her cart and love pushing it around. Nah...what she really loved was the freedom to put anything her heart's desire wanted in "her" cart. First, it was a lime. Then, an orange. A bag of cranberries. Oops, gotta go get a loaf of Wonderbread, Mommy...ooh, what are these? I'll only take one...chestnut? Huh...
I had nothing in my cart and my kid was getting a bizarre assortment of stuff. I never told her not to, I just snuck behind her and put them back while she was off getting another thing. An, put that one back, maybe a green one? Ooh, raisins! Some tortillas, multi grain bread...MOMMY, it's CAKE! Ok, I need to put this bread away and get the cake. I know I could have been irritated by all this extra work. What was supposed to be a short grocery trip was becoming a three ring circus workout...for me! But truthfully, I didn't mind. She was so happy, so interested in the food and running down the aisles with her little cart, she made a cute picture. People smiled at her, laughed when she decided to put something back and get something else. I was just keeping her moving along and when her cart got full, she just started dumping her cart's contents into mine and start all over again. I didn't buy anything she put in there, except for the pretzels (cause man, this kid loves her pretzels) and a green apple...oh and a kiwi (cause on the drive over, she asked for a kiwi). I just loved watching her having so much fun. She didn't whine, cry, throw herself down on the floor or throw stuff around. And when we were all done, she took her cart over to the others and put it back while I waited in line for her. She didn't toss it in the general direction, nope, she very carefully put it right back in. Then she came back and asked if she could have a bowl...and watch Barbie. I smiled and said "Ok, but what do you say?" She looked up, pushed her shaggy little mop out of her blue eyes and smiled "Please Mommy?" And these are the moments that make your heart swell. I know she will cause me frustration and grief many times throughout her childhood but right now, I'm just treasuring these little moments where I utterly and completely am just enjoying being with her. Sigh...