Friday, July 8, 2011

A downslide...

Well, I knew it would be hard and I know I'm not giving up...but after a kick ass Tuesday class, Wednesday and Thursday were pretty much useless. I did, I mean nothing. Wednesday, I had a work barbecue and by the time we got home, got Abby to bed, I was ready to go to bed myself. Thursday, I was all set to kill myself (and by then, my muscles, which were only aching on Wednesday, were now in agony pain!) at another class that night. But then, it wasn't going to work out for my friend because she had no one to watch her kid, so we decided to take the kids down to the lake and walk. Exercise and kid time, bonus! But then her son had a major bad episode and that idea went down the crapshoot. By now, all my motivation was gone...I mentioned that I needed a workout partner to keep me going! I managed to talk my husband into coming with me to the downtown farmer's market and a store I needed to return shorts for Abby anyway. Except that when we got there, the market was shutting down. So we went into the store, I was looking for replacements for the shorts and Abby was driving my husband (who had a migraine) nuts by running around. So, the joy of getting out was short lived. My night was done. Am I frustrated with myself? Probably but I was too sore to care last night. And tonight, Friday night...I'm wondering how I can do anything. I was hoping to do a class tomorrow but without my husband able to watch our daughter, I can't go. It's irritating but I'm not giving up. I have to make this work. I just haven't figured out all the ins and outs of it yet. And right now, working out isn't my only challenge. When I get down...really down...I don't recover well. I eat junk and throw myself into bed and we all know how good that makes you feel! But it's not making progress. But I will keep trying. Wish me luck...I'm hoping for another class this weekend and motivation to do something else.

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