Thursday, August 25, 2011

You know you're a Mommy of a toddler/baby when...

I realize that yes, I am a Mommy, but it's always funny when you take a step back and realize how your life has changed so much since having your first are some examples:
* You open up your purse at work and out tumbles a red crayon and/or other things that you did NOT put in there...and you're NOT shocked;
* Your friend calls you and tells you that when your purses were side by side, your child put your stuff in her purse and now she has your gum, lipgloss and hair brush;
* You look in your backseat and wish you had a dog to clean up all the Goldfish, cookie and bits of food taking up permanent residence back there;
* You reach under your seat and find an old bottle under there...which you immediately have to throw out because the thought of cleaning it disgusts you;
* Your daughter is wearing the cutest little dress, with adorable little shoes, with perfect pigtails and you realize that you are in a tank top, shorts, flip flops, with a ponytail that hasn't been brushed yet and no makeup pray for no "family" pictures;
* You now know all the words to their favourite movie/movies and sing the songs in your sleep, while driving to work, while washing dishes, while having...ok, never mind...
* When you go out with your hubby on a date and you get all dressed up, that's the ONLY time your kid says "Mommy pretty!";
* You get to work and wash your travel well as the bottle your child left in the car...;
* You haven't watched a movie with REAL people in a long time;
* You have favourite brands of kids' clothes and toys but have no clue what's currently in fashion (ie: I had never heard of Bench until April in Moncton with my sister or New Balance sneakers until I bought a pair)

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