Friday, August 26, 2011

The weird "movie" dream I had last night...

So last night (or very early this morning), I had this very consuming "movie" dream. I have these every once in a while, where I have a dream that is like a movie...I usually wake up exhausted (well, when you direct, produce and act in a movie all usually do feel pretty wiped out eh?)
So anyway, here's the dream...I apologize if it makes no sense at all...but then again, maybe I should pitch it...hmmm...
I am at this museum like place, where I go through a number of exhibits (like the cloth found from Henry VIII, etc). Then I fall down this tunnel and end up in a room surrounded by other people who also fell down this tunnel. We climb up a stupid wall of shelves holding movies (irony?) and I finally reach this latch and open it up to find a slat no bigger than a business card...this is how we're supposed to be rescued. So this guy next to me gives me his business card and I stick it in (ripping it in the process, so good luck reading THAT) and we all fell off the wall. We were now stuck in this room, only one room away from this insanely vicious massive cannibal dog (thank goodness I don't watch horror movies cause every time he "caught" one, I would turn away so I never saw ANYTHING...whew!
So we were completely trapped here. Then suddenly, this guy walked through with a baby and the dog left him alone. He came into the room and we were all like "how did you do that?" Apparently, the dog won't touch anyone holding a baby. We end up getting out this side entrance into this house and look outside where there are literally hundreds of tornados and crazy lightning we're basically sitting ducks. We managed to get into another house (raiding their house for food cause we were starving) and avoiding the tornados. Now we just have to figure out how to get through that room with the dog without being killed. We come across this woman with a baby and decide to plan an escape to use the baby to get each one of us out. Then, it turns out that this whole destruction and evil dog is a plot by none other than Morgan Freeman (dude, I'm sorry, in my dream, you are evil!). One by one, we get killed by this dog and are no closer to escaping and we are now being hunted by more dogs (they are breeding these cannibal dogs to hunt us) and we're moving from house to house, hiding and trying to find a way to get home.
In the meantime, this family living in South Central LA (and no, I've never been there but apparently, I know all about it) works to escape these killer tornados taking over LA. They have to make it to this bridge (Golden Gate-my brain is apparently geographically confused too!) in this tiny little car.
I wish I could say that I "solved" the dream and saved the day for all these people but then my alarm woke me up and it's 10 a.m. and the dream is still sitting in my brain...and you wonder why I'm in therapy?? LOL If you figure out the ending, let me know!!

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